Sunday, November 7, 2010


Ok, One question. HOW do women do this???

Three weeks ago I broke my left ankle, so not only am I pregnant -- I'm also on crutches. Which pretty much sucks. Sometimes I feel lucky that I can do some things, and I know that this is temporary.  Other times, I get so overwhelmed. My husband has taken on all laundry, dog walking, grocery shopping and cooking, in addition to the myriad of projects he wants to do for himself plus his very stressful job.  Meanwhile, I'm reduced to typing on my computer, lying on the couch reading magazines or playing on my iPhone. It isn't fair. I look around and see so much that needs to be done/cleaned/attended to before the baby comes and I can't do it.  And I can't do my swimming exercises and I haven't been to prenatal yoga in 3 weeks.  Again, this is temporary. My foot is healing. It certainly feels better than it did three weeks ago!  So I need to remain positive, for my sake and for the baby's. I know I do. But banishing the pity party is very hard, I gotta say.

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